And now for something completely different…

I had an idea.  I love all the coloring sheets I see on Pinterest. But the other day I realized I didn’t want to color them (maybe cookie them, haha!) but I did want to make some.

Remember this cookie set?  Inspired by traditional folk art motifs. I thought it was the perfect place to start for my little experiment.

Cookie Tile Explosion | The Cookie Architect

So… here it is!  If you are a coloring sheet type, by all means, print out the pdf of my Cookie Tile Coloring Sheet and go to town!  And don’t forget to share it with me!  Happy Coloring!

Cookie Tile Explosion.jpeg

For the Birds

Did I mention that I just finished up a top secret project?  Shhhh.. It’s true!

And I’m not here to tell you about it or show it to you.  Totally top secret.  Instead, I will share this random collection of bird-themed cookies I just made to celebrate the seemingly miraculous advent of Spring. Yes, spring in the North Country happens in May.  And by happens, I mean, the temperature is consistently above freezing and it’s even been this thing I’ve heard of called…warm?  And sunny, and dry.  A miracle and I’ll take it.

I made a birdhouse, and a couple of birds. Both birds kind of go with the birdhouse, but not with each other unfortunately.  So, you’ll see we have a couple of different birdy vibes happening, some more realistic than others.

But first, the birdhouse.  I love this and it turned out much better than I expected.

Birdhouse in a Tree | The Cookie Architect

The main thing you are wondering about, based on previous comments alone, is the finish. The carefully hand painted  (or was it etched?!?) crackle paint finish.

Hahahahahahahahahaha!  Guys! It is so much better than that.  Why? Because it was a stamp.  Like, a rubber stamp.  Seriously, the fastest, easiest, coolest cookie finish.  And it took me three minutes.  I LOVE IT!

I was inspired by a gorgeous Easter set by Baked on Briar that I loved, so I went looking for a crackle stamp, and found this one instead.  Even better for what I had planned! And while I wasn’t ready to break the bank with stamps….let’s just say that when you go looking for a stamp like this, you will find more options than you ever dreamed of.    Here is the one I used:



And just in case I haven’t dispelled enough of the cookie magic, let me just also say that the scrollwork perch is a fondant mold.  I didn’t pipe that.  Though now I want to try.

I made one bird cookie where I went for realistic, with the painting help from a fabulous tutorial from Honeycat Cookies (like this, but you know, ten times better!!) I came up with this guy:

Bird on a Branch | The Cookie Architect


And last but not least, I have a kind of epic silver dragee collection going now, largely thanks to How Sweet is That, so I was also inspired to make this super realistic, super safe to eat bird!

Shiny Bird | The Cookie Architect

By the time I finished all these cookies, they were minimally edible, so I let my brother eat them.  He assured me that it was fine that I stuck them in this tree for photos.  In case you were worried.

So there you go! Spring is here!  Blessing on all!!!

May the Fourth y Cinco

It just occurred to me that May the Fourth….or Star Wars Day… is ALWAYS right next to Cinco de Mayo.  So these cookies were the natural result.

I have been up to my eyeballs in cookies, but most of them were top secret, so without cookies to post I feel like I haven’t been cookie-ing at all! Isn’t that weird?  So when I had this idea, I just had to put it together.  They are made on some old iced cookies for a project I meant to do last month.  And all of the icing is on it’s last leg. And I was tired.  So they are super sloppy.  But kind of funny (I think).

May the FourthyCinco | The Cookie Architect

Leia Khalo there is kind of a mess, but seriously, she is ready to flamenco.  Or shoot stormtroopers. Whichever.

Chewniata |The Cookie Architect

This in not the pinata you are looking for.  #chewbaccademayo

Tacos Yoda Loves | The Cookie Architect

The tacos are strong in this one.

Enjoy your day! This year, Taco Tuesday and Cinco de Mayo are the same day. Should have made lego star wars mexican holiday cookies.  Next time.