Flash Cookie Giveaway!!! [CLOSED]

I made a small batch of peanut butter peanut butter chip cookies, but I gave up sugar for Lent!  So I’m willing to send these to someone in the US (due to my small budget for shipping).  All you have to do is comment on one of my blog posts this weekend, and I will choose a winner on Sunday and send these off!

Hippy Chick Flowers | The Cookie Architect

I made these cookies one afternoon absolutely on the fly- I was spending the afternoon in some special mom/son time with my oldest, and all he wanted to do was decorate peanut butter cookies.  (Thank goodness he didn’t choose the Sponge Bob Squarepants movie option!!).

Most of the cookies we made were his choice, but we had enough dough for me to try out my shiny new cutters from That’s A Nice Cookie.

That's A Nice Cookie

They came packaged up beautifully- but you’ll have to excuse my terrible picture!

Hippy Chick Cutters

Aren’t they so cute ?!? These Hippy Chick Cutters were designed by my CBFF Kari of Yankee Girl Yummies.  She’s done some great things with these as birds.  She even made an awesome video that my kids and I have watched a couple of time and loved it!!  Check it out on her Facebook page!

When it was my turn to decorate them, I wanted to do something different, so I looked at it and saw flower!  The “real” Cookie Architect would have done a little research to find an actual flower with elements to fill all the feet and beak pieces of the cutter, but since I was sitting there with my son and had minutes to do this thing, I just made something up!!! They aren’t anything special, but they ARE delicous cookies, so I hope someone will come comment so that they can eat  them for me!

Congrats to Cori W. for being the winning comment! Cookies are on their way, enjoy!

47 thoughts on “Flash Cookie Giveaway!!! [CLOSED]

  1. I didn’t even realize this was the “hippy chick” cutter when I first saw these! These are a great. Would love to win them 🙂


  2. Flash Cookie Giveaway!!! What??? Not only do “not for sale cookies” taste oh, so delightful, they are made for no other reason, than that you are compelled to art! I love your art, and it’s so cool these cookies were born out of a mommy son date! You rock, Rebecca! Kudos to my cookie hero! ~Kim


  3. If there’s one thing in life I hope to accomplish is to, someday, it would be to win some of your cookies!! 😉 These are beautiful… As usual.


  4. I would love to win your amazing cookies! I enjoy your blog and IG so much. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity! Xxoo



  5. Thank you for Sharing your creativity! I bet they taste as good as they are beautiful! Can’t wait to take your course at Cookie Con, Happy Weekend!


  6. Your peanut butter cookies look wonderful and Kari’s hippy chick cookie cutter is the cutest! I really like your colorful, web site background! Thank you for the giveaway!


  7. Your peanut butter cookies look wonderful! I really like the colorful background on your website! And Kari’s hippy chick cookie cutter is the cutest! Thank you for this giveaway!


  8. Love your interpretation of the design. I think I see a Bob-omb from Mario. The cutter is a very cute. Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity.


  9. Wow! A chance to win beautiful AND delicious cookies? This Wyoming-ite would love to have some! It would sure brighten up the current blizzard conditions! (Even if I don’t win, I still LOVE your blog and faceplant page!)


  10. These are great!! We just got our set of these cutters the other day! Kari was sweet enough to send them to my daughter as a surprise, as she is learning how to bake and decorate so that she can sell cookies to raise money for the non profit she is starting called “sleepy owls”, where she will be sewing fun pillowcases to give to kids hospitalized for cancer treatment(She’s 8) . Love your design! (And peanut butter cookies lol)


  11. Rebecca, I’m always amazed at your level of creativity and expertise! Truly something to aspire to. Thank you for such a yummy giveaway! I’ll keep my fingers, arms, and legs crossed and hope I win! Lol , Christi


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